Creative Arts for Veterans Book Creation

The CAV Book is an interdisciplinary-designed therapeutic guidebook to aid in improving well-being through arts-based exercises infused with social work and art therapy practices, veteran narratives, and supplemental veteran-centric wellness resources. CAV Books are accompanied with art supplies (oil pastels, water colored pencils, paintbrush, pencil sharpener, and charcoals). The CAV Book is a take-home, self-paced art-based wellness resource. Research shows that arts-based wellness can reduce symptoms related to isolation, anxiety, depression, loneliness, post traumatic stress, military sexual trauma, transition to civilian life, substance use, suicidal ideation, and suicide. CAV Books increase access to mental health and well-being resources. Additionally, using art can assist in the development of coping strategies as well as post-traumatic growth. The CAV Book also contains psychoeducational material regarding suicide, suicidal ideation, grief and loss, survivor's guilt, moral injury, and resiliency.


Start date:
Close date:
Focus areas:
Healthy Hoosier Communities, Quality of Place
IU faculty and staff:
Lauren Daugherty, Todd Burkhardt, John Keesler
"Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design", IU School of Social Work
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