DeepMay 2022

This project provides residents of Southern Indiana (Orange County and beyond) ten days of training in technical project development, both in high-level problem-solving skills as well as specific techniques in coding, hardware, information systems, web and app dev, and design. In addition, holding the camp in Paoli will further develop the Tomato Products Company as a local community hub for arts and technology. DeepMay aims to build material links between the Tomato Products Company, local permaculture and community development projects, and IU faculty and resources through concrete technical projects and working relationships. In this way, DeepMay hopes to establish a hub in Paoli for ongoing activity that draws on DeepMay's network of skilled collaborators and IU resources to invigorate local efforts to build autonomy and resilience.


Start date:
Close date:
Focus areas:
Community Resilience
IU faculty and staff:
Hamid Ekbia, Gabriel Piser
DeepMay, IU Luddy School of Informatics Computing and Engineering
More info: