Locating and Characterizing Important Springs of the Indiana Uplands

Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) communicated with several agencies at the federal, state, county, and municipal level to compile a list of 100 springs to analyze in a two-year period. This project collected field data and performed lab analyses that characterized the groundwater at each spring at base flow. Results were compared to historical data to delineate long-term changes in groundwater quality. For previously undocumented springs, the analyses provided a first-time evaluation of groundwater quality. Site-specific data was made available to stakeholders and residents of the Indiana Uplands region through targeted outreach. Project results magnified IGWS's effort to disseminate water resource data for the state of Indiana via a spring database that is crowdsourced and available to the public through the Indiana Map geospatial portal.


Start date:
Close date:
Focus areas:
Community Resilience
IU faculty and staff:
Tracy Branam, Lee Florea, Matthew Johnson, Jacob Simpson
Indiana Geological and Water Survey
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