- Phone:
- (812) 272-7495
- Email:
- unwinter@iu.edu
- Campus:
- IU Bloomington
Project abstract
Several groups of student teams worked to ultimately create a website for the ALASI organization in Huntingburg. The new site can be found here: https://www.alasiindiana.com
Community partners
Association of Latin Americans in Southern Indiana (ALASI) was founded in 2008 by individuals who saw a need for Latino representation in our community. These individuals worked with local organizations and government to find a voice for the Latin Community. They worked hard to help the Latino Community bind together and prosper with neighboring communities. It in evident in the results we see today because of their sacrifice, determination, and care for their fellow Latinos.
Campus partners
Serve IT’s mission is to apply the technology skills of undergraduate students in order to build capacity in the local nonprofit community to better serve their own missions. Students participate through a Service-Learning course and are guided by assignments, workflows, undergraduate mentors, graduate team coaches, and, of course, by their clients, local nonprofits and governmental agencies.
Student partners
Undergraduates: Jack Engel, Alex Foster, Bodee Besser, Carson Plonka, Salai Aung, Kendall Depaul, Binyan Hu, Van Peng, Kelly Kern
Graduate students in Human Computer Interaction: Niran Donthireddy, Tushar Sharma
Counties involved