Faculty Advisory Council

Shape the future of rural collaboration with the Faculty Advisory Council

The Center for Rural Engagement (CRE) Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) fosters collaboration, innovation, and excellence. The FAC will serve as a valuable resource for the CRE executive director and CRE staff by offering diverse perspectives, expertise, and insights from experienced faculty members regarding student opportunities, research and innovative ideas, and community quality of place and quality of life improvement. The CRE FAC will consist of 6 to 7 members including both tenure and non-tenure track faculty. A supplemental $4,000 stipend will be paid to each FAC member per academic year ($2,000 Fall and $2,000 Spring). This is a 10-month appointment (August through May). FAC members will be expected to work approximately 5 hours per week each semester on FAC content, advising, and networking. One of the FAC members will serve as the lead and will be paid an additional $1,000. The lead FAC member will assist the CRE director of campus partnerships with FAC application submissions and selection as well as assist in the development of FAC programming.

The Faculty Advisory Council will enhance communication, collaboration, and excellence across IU Bloomington and beyond. Ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement are essential to ensuring that the FAC remains responsive to the evolving needs and priorities of the faculty, the CRE, communities, and the university.

Purpose and objective

The FAC provides strategic guidance to the CRE and its executive director. This involves offering input on academic programs, research and creative activity initiatives, faculty development, and other key areas aligned with the university's and CRE’s mission and vision.

The FAC serves as a channel for effective communication between the faculty and the CRE. The FAC will assist and advise in the building of capacity: faculty, staff, and center to center networks and networking across the IU system. The FAC also serves as a conduit for faculty feedback and suggestions.

The FAC proposes new initiatives, projects, models, and best practices that enhance the academic mission, foster innovation, and support faculty excellence with regard to community engagement.

The FAC facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration to increase cross-disciplinary approaches and build opportunities to expand community-engaged research, creativity activity, engaged teaching, service, and public scholarship. The FAC engages with the broader university community through forums, workshops, and events to solicit input, share information, and promote collaboration.

The FAC provides ideas and recommendations and assists in the development of CRE programming and resources that support faculty, staff, and student recognition and professional growth.

The FAC advises on and aids in the creation of student programming opportunities, with the goal of enhancing student success and broadening their prospects, while also ensuring these opportunities are incorporated into the curriculum, co-curriculum, and approved experiential learning activities (ELAs).

The FAC explores opportunities for future multi-campus collaborations and develops and strengthens IU networks to share best practices in programming and models for working collaboratively with communities.

Composition and selection process


The FAC will reflect the diversity of the university's faculty in terms of disciplines, career stages, demographics, and perspectives.


The FAC will represent various academic units (e.g., health, social sciences, humanities, STEM, professional schools) to ensure comprehensive coverage of the university's academic landscape.

Term Limits

Members of the FAC can serve up to two consecutive academic years which will support continuity and institutional knowledge while ensuring opportunities for new faculty membership and innovation.

Selection Criteria

The FAC will have transparent selection criteria based on
academic merit, leadership experience, and commitment to the CRE's mission, goals, and values. The FAC will solicit nominations from department chairs, deans, and faculty peers.

Operational considerations

Meeting structure

The CRE will schedule regular meetings with clear agendas and objectives consisting of both in-person and virtual formats to accommodate diverse schedules and preferences.


The FAC will establish subcommittees or working groups to focus on specific areas of interest as needed.

Staff support

The CRE will provide administrative support to facilitate the council's activities, including scheduling meetings, preparing materials, and coordinating communication with the administration and faculty.

Resource allocation

The CRE will allocate sufficient resources, including funding,
staff support, and logistical support to serve the FAC’s operations.


The qualifications for faculty members to serve on the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) should reflect a combination of academic excellence, leadership experience, commitment to community engagement, and a passion for advancing the university's mission and values, particularly in relation to community-engaged research, creative activity, service, and engaged teaching with rural communities.

Demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, or creative activity, as evidenced by publications, grants, awards, and other scholarly achievements.

Previous leadership roles within the university, such as serving on committees or academic councils or leadership positions in professional organizations or community groups.

Experience working collaboratively with community partners, particularly in rural settings, on research projects, service initiatives, or creative endeavors that address community needs and priorities.

An ability to approach complex issues from an interdisciplinary perspective and collaborate effectively with colleagues from diverse academic backgrounds and disciplines.

Strong communication skills, including the ability to listen actively, communicate clearly and persuasively, and build consensus among diverse stakeholders.

A visionary outlook and strategic thinking skills to help shape the direction and priorities of the FAC in alignment with the university's 2030 Strategic Plan and CRE’s mission and values.

A collaborative and collegial approach to working with fellow FAC members, CRE staff, university leadership, faculty colleagues, staff, students, and community partners.

Join the Faculty Advisory Council

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