Course Planning Grant

Bringing together experiential learning, transformative scholarship, and service to the state

Sustaining Hoosier Communities Course Planning Grant

Experiential learning, transformative scholarship, and service to the state are core strategic areas of the IUB 2030 strategic plan. We aim to act on this vision by offering course planning grants to faculty that advance all three core strategic areas through instructional developmental grants for the first-time design of undergraduate and graduate courses that integrate community-engaged learning with a Sustaining Hoosier Communities partner project.

Recipients will have access to resources that support high-impact learning for students and actionable outcomes for partner communities in Indiana. Up to three grants per semester will be awarded to faculty for courses taught during the fall, spring, and summer terms. Each instructor will receive $2,000.

About the grant

The deadline for proposals is:

  • Sunday, June 1, 2025, for fall 2025 classes
  • Sunday, October 26, 2025, for spring 2026 classes
  • Sunday, February 29, 2026, for summer 2026 classes

Faculty of all ranks (e.g. adjunct, lecturer, clinical, non-tenure track, tenure-track, tenured) are eligible to apply. Applications must be for courses that have not previously included community-engaged learning with a Sustaining Hoosier Communities project. 

Criteria for selection includes:

  1. courses that will integrate community-engaged learning for the first time with a SHC partner project
  2. course fit with community-identified project
  3. plan to raise visibility of community-engaged learning and the CRE within department.

Proposals must be submitted according to the deadline, prior to the semester during which the course occurs.

Faculty recipients will participate in the annual Statewide IU Community Engagement Institute in March and Rural Conference in May. Participants are also asked to engage in a plan to share about their work, the Center for Rural Engagement, and Sustaining Hoosier Communities with their department.

Grantees are also strongly encouraged to participate in community-engaged learning workshops through the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.

To apply, please submit the following following information in the submission form:

  • Applicant name, rank, department, and email address.
  • Course number, name, and semester. Include anticipated enrollment and a brief description of the course.
  • A Word document that includes:
    • 500-1,000 words: Name of proposed SHC project you are interested in and how your course could advance all, or an aspect of, the project. Additionally, how will community-engaged learning improve your course and student learning? How will this opportunity enrich you professionally?
    • 100 words: Describe a proposed plan to raise visibility of the Center for Rural Engagement, Sustaining Hoosier Communities, and your community-engaged learning experience with your department. Examples could include presenting at a departmental meeting or faculty council.
  • Letter of support from a dean or department chair.

Questions about the course planning grant, eligibility, or the application?

Contact us