Food System Networking: Creating a Community Food Network

The Indiana University Sustainable Food Systems Science (SFSS) initiative worked with the Center for Rural Engagement on food systems change from farm to institutional plate. This included the development of a plan for aggregation and distribution points that allow multiple producers to aggregate products in order to meet the purchasing demands of institutional buyers (i.e. schools, hospitals, universities, restaurants, etc.). The SFSS group, in conjunction with Purdue University, received a USDA Local Food Promotion Program grant that will work with three partners in the regional footprint to hire and support three value chain coordinators who will work with institutional buyers to build the knowledge, communication, and market channels to support the production, aggregation, processing, and storage of food stuffs from small to mid-sized growers. Community-oriented food forum events ensured that organizations in the foodshed are participating in the process and can bring their assets and resources to the table.


Start date:
Close date:
Focus areas:
Community Resilience
IU faculty and staff:
James Farmer, Jodee Smith, Jacob Simpson
IU O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Sustainable Food Systems Science
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