Locating and Characterizing Important Springs of the Indiana Uplands - Expansion Project

This project expanded on previous work which investigated 100 springs across the 11-county Uplands region by analyzing arsenic in those springs as well as other groundwater samples from wells in rural areas. This expanded project looked at arsenic speciation (the chemical forms of arsenic in water) in these water samples as well as related water quality parameters pertinent to arsenic levels. The results of these analyses informed the communities of the quality of water in their regions, the possible technological treatments for elevated arsenic concentrations, and the potential future deterioration of water quality due to climate change. Accurate analysis of a trace amount of arsenic in water samples requires a research-grade analytical facility. Our facility provided a critical resource for addressing this ongoing public health issue and study the mechanisms and, therefore, possible mitigation of arsenic contamination.


Start date:
Close date:
Focus areas:
Community Resilience
IU faculty and staff:
Tracy Branam, Chen Zhu, Jacob Simpson
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, IU College of Arts + Sciences, Indiana Geological and Water Survey
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